Kategori: Web
WordPress plugins
Today, WordPress powers over 72 million different websites around the globe. At the end of 2011, it was estimated that around 20%-25% of all new websites published were built using the WordPress platform. Throughout the 98 version releases that WordPress has gone through since 2003, it has morphed from a simple blogging tool to a rather capable CMS. This makes WordPress the most widely used and popular CMS in existence with a 53.8% market share.
This high affinity for WordPress as a CMS is attributed to its ease of use, flexibility, and extensible core. Given that WordPress excels at handling content, it can be easily tailored to accommodate non-blog-focused sites with custom content types — and usually that’s just a plugin or theme away.
If you use WordPress or are planning to use it, it’s time to do the happy dance. This month our featured article — Getting 110% out of WordPress — takes a look at some WordPress plugins and themes that can transform your WordPress site from a simple blog to a totally different web application experience. You will learn how to use WordPress as a framework to power classified ads, social networks, questions/answers, and ecommerce sites.
bbPress – WordPress as a Forum
bbPress is a WordPress plugin from the creators of WordPress. It allows you to create a simple and engaging community to compliment your WordPress powered website. bbPress is focused on web standards, ease of use, ease of integration and speed.
WP-Invoice – Web Invoicing and Billing with WordPress
WP-Invoice lets you create and send web invoices and setup recurring billing for your clients. It is ideal for web developers, SEO consultants, general contractors, or anyone with a WordPress blog and clients to bill. The plugin ties into WP’s user management database to keep track of your clients and their information.
Casual – A WordPress Tumblog Theme
Casual is a free WordPress tumblog theme with infinite color options and a friendly yet personal layout. You get to use all the benifits of Tumblr wrapped in the extensiveness of WordPress functionality. It supports various post types including images, videos, audio, text, links and quotes.
Prospress – Make a marketplace with WordPress
Prospress harnesses the wonder of the WordPress publishing platform to create a marketplace tool like nothing seen before. With Prospress, registered users can post auctions, place bids, provide feedback and make payments. It has everything required to create a many-to-many exchange that differs to the one-to-many exchange of a store.
s2Member – Turn WordPress into a membership site
s2Member is a plugin for professional WordPress membership management, integrating seamlessly with user roles & capabilities for WordPress. You can protect your content including downloadable files and force user to register or pay to access these content. It supports PayPal, Authorize.net and other popular payment gateways.
WP-CRM – Customer Relations Management for WordPress
WP-CRM extends the basic user management functions that come with WordPress to offer an elegant way of organizing your users with custom attributes. You can search for these users using filters and keep track of correspondence in one central place. This is a handy plugin for you to use to track your customers, vendors, partners and affiliates.
ALO EasyMail Newsletter – Send Newsletter using WordPress
ALO EasyMail Newsletter is a plugin for WordPress that allows to write and send newsletters, and to gather and manage the subscribers. It supports internationalization and multilanguage. Some of its features include: collection of subscribers’ information on registration, AJAX widget subscription box, mailing lists management and CRON batch sending.
CollabPress – Collaborate on your next project with WordPress
CollabPress is an all in one project and task management plugin for WordPress. It transforms a standard WP installation into a full-featured project management application in a single click. With CollabPress, you can easily create unlimited projects, task lists, and tasks with all of the features you would expect.
BuddyPress – Social Networking with WordPress
BuddyPress lets users register on your site and start creating profiles, posting messages, making connections, creating and interacting in groups and much more. A social network in a box, BuddyPress lets you build a social network for your company, school, sport team or niche community.
WP-Property – WordPress Powered Real Estate Management
WP-Property is a property and real estate management plugin for WordPress. It allows you to create a directory of real estate and rental properties and integrate them into WordPress for you. It has an extremely flexible interface that lets you list products of any kind – vehicles, hotel reservations, etc.
Lifestream – Stream your life with WordPress
Lifestream is a plugin built on top of the WordPress platform. It allows you to effortlessly integrate your social network activity across the web with your blog. Out of the box, Lifestream is just streams in RSS/Atom feeds and prettying them up, but deep down it’s a very flexible platform allowing developers to integrate any kind of activity they desire.
Connections – Directory Plugin for WordPress
Connections is a directory plugin for WordPress. Its simplicity in design and function, vast array of unique features and versatility are the reasons more and more people are turning to Connections for their directory needs. You can use Connections to create a simple address book, maintain a staff directory and even run a business or link directory.
Quick Chat – Turn WordPress into a self-hosted chat platform
Quick Chat is WordPress chat plugin with support for private chat, live message translation, chat rooms, avatars, participants list, words filtering, smilies and much more. Quick Chat is self hosted chat solution. This means that your chat messages are stored inside your local WordPress database and are totally under your control.
WordPress Download Management – File Repository with WordPress
WordPress Download Manager plugin will help you to manage, track and control file downloads from your wordpress site. You can set password and set access level any of your downloadable files from your wordpress site. You can add/embed downloadable files anywhere in the post just pasting the embed code inside your post content using WordPress Download Manager.
Jihosshop – Start selling with WordPress
Jigoshop is a feature-packed e-commerce plugin built upon WordPress core functionality to ensure excellent performance and customizability. With the option to create a multitude of product types and apply detailed attributes customers can easily refine your catalog, ensuring they find what they’re looking for in just a couple of clicks.
WordPressWiki – Your own KB application built on WordPress
WordPressWiki is a theme that transforms WordPress into a custom knowledge Base application to power your company’s documentation needs. You’ll be able to add articles and frequently asked questions, rate content, show related articles, and much more!
Booking Calendar – Availability Booking for WordPress
Booking Calendar will enable online booking services for your site. Visitors to your site will be able to check availability of apartments, houses, hotel rooms, or services you offer. They can also make reservations and appointments with the ability to choose from multi-day, single day, or by the hour booking. Your clients can even view and register for upcoming events.
P2 – Microblogging with WordPress
P2 is a theme for WordPress that transforms a mild-mannered blog into a super-blog with features like inline comments on the homepage, a posting form right on the homepage, inline editing of posts and comments, real-time updates so new posts and comments come in without reloading, and much more.
Event Organiser – Create and maintain events using WordPress
Event Organiser is a WordPress plugin that allows you create and maintain events, including complex reoccurring patterns, venue management (with Google maps), calendars and customizable event lists. This can all be done through an intuitive user interface, which allows your to view your events in the familiar WordPress list or view all occurrences of your events in a calendar page in the admin area.
WeReview – WordPress Review Engine
WeReview turns your WordPress site into a powerful review platform. By leveraging WordPress custom post type feature, it allows you to create review pages for products and services with stars-ratings. It comes with multiple review page style, which will give your review page a different and exclusive look.
Yet Another Photoblog – Photoblogging with WordPress
Yet Another Photoblog is a non-invasive plugin that converts WordPress into a full-featured photoblog system. It supports on-the-fly thumbnail generation, EXIF data processing, and works with nearly every theme.
Sate eller satay – grillspyd med marineret okse, kylling eller svin
Spises med peanutsauce, og ris. Til 4 -8 personer, efter hvor i måltidet man spiser det.
750 g mørt oksekød, eller reelt svinekød, eller 2-3 kyllingebryster eller virkelig mange kyllingevinger.
1/2 dl jordnøddeolie
2 røde chili
1 tsk. ristet spidskommen
2 stjerneanis
2 tejpatta blade,
1 tsk. cubebs
1 stykke cassiabark
8 spsk fishsauce
6 spsk salt, let soya
4 fed knust hvidløg
4 spsk. sød indonesisk soya, Ketjap benteng manis
saft af 2- 3 lime efter størrelse og saftighed
revet skal af 1 lime
Knus krydderierne i en krydderikværn, bland med resten af marinadeingredienserne. Skær kødet ud til grillspyd, det er traditionelt ret flade, brede strimler.
Marinér kødet i marinaden, i en halv til nogle få timer, ikke længere. Hæld marinaden fra i en sigte, og gem den, den skal bruges i peanutsaucen. Stik kødet på træspyd.
Steg på en meget varm grill eller steg dem på en grillpande i jordnødde olie. Steg spyddene til de er brune på den ene side, hvis det er en rigtig grillpande vendes de halvt undervejs så de får tern, vend dem og grill dem færdige på den anden side.
Spis med peanutsaucen til at dyppe i, kokos ris, og masser af friskt grønt.
Overskuelig og ikke teknisk oversigt over grundliggende ting du kan gøre, for at søgemaskine optimere din hjemmeside (to be continued)
Jeg vil her forsøge, at lave en overskuelig og en ikke teknisk oversigt over grundliggende ting du kan gøre, for at søgemaskine optimere din hjemmeside, og dermed opnå en bedre placering i søgemaskinernes organiske søgeresultater.
- Du kan have folk bruger ord i munden. Tager meget lang tid, men er den bedste måde at annoncere. Tænk på det på denne måde, folk har tillid til venner udtalelse om ting, og du behøver ikke at bruge noget ekstra. Alt du skal gøre er at tilbyde kvalitet og service.
- Du kan betale for reklamer. Google AdWords er diskutabel den bedste. MSN er ok for en gang for at regne det system ud. Yahoo er dog meget hit eller springer for mig. Nogle måneder har jeg vil have en stor måned, og andre er jeg smide penge ud af vinduet.
- Du kan bruge søgeord. Advarende ord holde dem i overensstemmelse med hvad der er på dit websted. Må ikke liste kogebøger for et websted om advokater. Dette vil komme tilbage og bide dig i røven og vil faktisk har du angivet lavere end du tidligere var.
- Du kan have mange websteder, der peger til din. Det er her du skal forestille dig, at dit websted er en by og alle de andre websteder, du opretter, er byer, der har symptomer, der peger “Lawyerfoo 12 miles på denne måde.” Det er en måde at få højere i vurderingerne, men du ender med at betale hosting gebyrer og der er bedre måder at gøre dette. Udover mange mennesker ikke kan lide at være rettet til en anden site. Også nogle gange antivirus software vil vise, at dit websted vil omdirigere dig. (Mindst på mine det har et rødt flag og siger, at det vil omdirigere dig. Jeg er tilbøjelig til at undgå disse steder.) En måde at omgå dette ville være, kunne du søge efter juridiske fora og kontakte andre mennesker med lignende sites og gøre lidt link deling. (De sætter et link til dit site på et køligt links side eller noget i den natur, hvis du gør det samme for dem.) En anden måde ville være du kan søge efter juridiske biblioteker og få dem liste dit websted. Denne måde er der ingen vært gebyrer og du ikke løber en risiko for at få nogen røde flag oprejse.
- En alternativ (og potentielt mindre farlig, hvis det gøres ordentligt) tilgang ville være at registrere et andet domæne navn som dem, men oprettet en reel, særskilt web site fra din egne, der indeholder værdifulde indhold i sin egen ret, et websted, måske noget i retning af en wiki eller et forum fællesskab, relateret til din egen industri, som lovligt kunne indeholde links til dit eget websted og være “et projekt af lawyerfoo.com” eller ” sponsoreret af lawyerfoo.com “, men ville trække trafik i sin egen ret.
Derudover er der disse vigtige tommelfinger-regler:
Google elsker søgeord centriske domæner – Yahoo og Bing elsker dem endnu mere.
Brugeroplevelse trumfer søgeord vanvid.
Brug ‘brandede’ domæner
- brug dem i annoncekampagner
- købe alle søgeord centriske domæner og lav 301-omdirigering*
Undersøg dine fokus søgeord(ssætninger) (AdWords, etc.) (2-4 ord sætning)
Køb domæner (selv med tankestreger -> nemmere for søgemaskinen at læse og for person at læse)
Opret lodret mikro-sites
- fokus på nøgleord i domænet
- genbrug / omskrive indhold
- bidrage hyppigt (bygge på noget lignende WordPress)
- opbygge forbindelser og test med PPC som en landing page
- link rigeligt til hovedsiden forælder domæne
Egne konkurrenters trafik
- registrer søgeord centreret domæner, der indeholder ordene ‘anmeldelse’, ‘anmeldelser’ osv
- oprette en hjemmeside med anmeldelser (WordPress og et godt tema)
- Skriv kun om dine konkurrenter
Undgå nofollow**
- med sjældne undtagelse, så prøv altid at bygge links, der ikke bruger nofollow
- brug ‘do follow’ mapper
- holde styr på de sociale netværk, der bruger ‘do follow’ (Digg, sociale netværk)
Eksterne, interne og indadgående
- skrive blogindlæg og artikler ofte
- link ofte ud til høj kvalitet, relevante hjemmesider
- interne linkstruktur vil styrke søgeord og sammenhæng til Google (ekstra usability fordel)
- gøre ankertekst nøgleord specifikke – Brug ikke “klik her” (også mere anvendelige)
- nofollow uvigtige sider (kontakt sider, hvad angår service, osv.)
- holde øje med nofollow indgående links
- reklame vil ikke hjælpe meget andet end at midlertidigt annoncere
- få søgeord centreret links ind i indhold på relevante websteder
Reputation management:
- sociale netværk profiler
- Wikipedia side
- skab lodrette mikro-sites
- oprette blogs, der fremmer
- find lavere rangerende steder og lav link bytte
Browser hastigheds-test
Browser Speed Tests: IE 9 Beta, Firefox 4 Beta, Chrome’s Crankshaft, and Opera 11 Beta
Google’s got a new “Crankshaft” in its bleeding-edge Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 is out to prove its modern mettle, Firefox 4 is nearly complete, and Opera’s adding extensions. It’s a good time to put these browsers head to head.
We’ve done a few of these tests before, and we’ve got our testing method well in hand. Two variations this go-round, though. One is that Opera 11 beta, too, has extensions. We tried to install roughly equal extensions, in function, on each browser, but Opera’s market is just a bit too young to included everything we needed. We’ll note what was missing within the results. We also installed Chrome’s “Canary” build, the test build with the most up-to-date features and fixes, even newer than in the risky Dev channel, to check out the Crankshaft JavaScript engine we’d heard so much about.
Now—on with the tests. Click on any of the images below for a larger view.
Boot-Up and Warm Loading—Winner: Tie—Chrome 10 (Canary) and Opera 10!
When it comes to cold boot-ups (a.k.a. just after booting up), Opera has the ever-so-slight edge. When booting up again, or bringing up after a little inactivity, Opera and Chrome 10, in its “Canary” form, are nearly instant in raising up—so close that human-measured timers might be too close to call. Firefox 4 beta 7 had some seriously long start-up delays, such that we were throwing out 20-second results more than once to try and reach equilibrium.
Tab Loading—Winner: Chrome 8 (Stable)!
How is the stable, consumer-facing version of Chrome slightly better at handling the quick loading of nine tabs—including YouTube, Hulu, Lifehacker and Gizmodo, and each browsers’ own home page, plus Google? We have no idea, but keep in mind that Chrome Canary is a rougher build of both engine and interface than what’s normally put out by the Chrome team, so optimizations may happen down the line.
JavaScript—Winner: Chrome 10 (Canary)!
Google’s polite boasts about their JavaScript engine improvements aren’t just corporate boilerplate. It looks like Crankshaft puts Chrome just past its previous mark, helping it to load script-heavy sites like Gmail. Notable in this round, too, is Internet Explorer finishing its JavaScript test without crashing or failing out—a first!
DOM/CSS—Winner: Opera 11!
Odd to see Chrome 10 work a bit slower at processing page layout elements and other aspects of design, while Opera’s latest beta release does some serious leapfrogging. IE9 beta was, alas, unable to complete the test.
Memory Use (No Extensions)—Winner: Firefox 3.6!
In its naked form, we’ve learned over these tests, Firefox can actually be pretty light on memory. It was a close call with Opera, but the current Mozilla browser wins out. IE9 beta turns in a fairly decent performance, too.
Memory Use (With Extensions)—Winner: Firefox 3.6!
It’s a tough call, because one extension, Cooliris, wasn’t available for both the beta-level Firefox 4, or in much any form for Opera 11’s nascent extension market. But we went and tested what we could get anyways, and it appeared as though Firefox 3.6 was still pretty good with memory, even with five extensions installed and nine tabs loaded.
The Scores
No matter what formula you rank a browser on, the “winner” is the one that best fits your needs, whether in design, online experience, or pure, raw speed. But since we’ve already got the numbers all tabulated here, we thought you’d like to see how the browsers scored on their “test.” We rated each of the 7 browsers in the categories they were tested in, then scored them university-style against the total number of points they could have received. The major difference is in the browsers that do offer extensions—five of the seven competed in that area, too.
- Chrome 10 (Canary): 72.5%
- Opera 10: 71.4%
- Chrome 8 (Stable): 70
- Opera 11 beta: 62.5%
- Firefox 4 beta 7: 52.5%
- Firefox 3.6.13: 52.5%
- Internet Explorer 9 beta: 45.7%
10 mest populære gratis-programmer til Windows i 2010
Soluto Is an Awesome Tool to Speed Up Your System Boot, Fix System Slowdowns
Soluto tracks your boot time and gives you the break down on what applications are causing hang ups-including grouping them into “No-Brainger” and “Potentially Removable” groups for easy weeding.
LookInMyPC Is a Must-Have Tool for Computer Troubleshooting
LookInMyPC is an at-a-glance tool that puts all your system information-in detail-right in front of you. You can find all this information by digging through your computer with various Windows tools, of course, but it’s extremely convenient to have everything in one place.
Snow Transformation Pack Makes Your Windows Desktop Look Like Mac OS X
You like the look of Mac OS X but you want to stick with windows-for work, for gaming, for a deep seated sense that Steve Jobs is out to get you. Snow Transformation Pack overhauls the Windows interface to look like OS X. This isn’t just a lame icon pack, this is a total transformation.
FlashHacker Keeps Flash Videos in Full Screen on Your Dual Monitors
You wouldn’t think it would be so hard to enjoy flash video in full screen on your secondary monitor, but without tools like FlashHacker it’s quite a headache. Enjoy South Park in full screen on your extra monitor while working in your primary.
CCleaner Enhancer Makes CCleaner Even Better, Now Cleans 270 New Apps
What could make the popular computer cleaning and tweaking application CCleaner even better? CCleaner Enhancer extends the reach of CCleaner by expanding its database of programs and the digital debris they leave behind.
ZeuApp Downloads 82 Awesome Open Source Apps
If you love open source apps and you want an easy way to download them in bulk (or introduce a friend to the gift of open source), ZeuApp makes it dead simple to batch download 82 great open-source applications.
Google Map Buddy Generates High Resolution, Full Size Area Maps
Google Map Buddy is a free and portable application with a singular focus: leaching high-res captures from Google Maps. If you’ve ever wanted to wallpaper your office with a map of the downtown, now’s your chance.
Steam Mover Relocates Applications to Free Up Space on Your Primary Drive
Steam Mover is a handy application, originally designed for gamers, that makes it dead simple to move infrequently used applications from your primary drive to a secondary drive. It’s not 100% foolproof but it works really well for most applications.
Ei.cfg Removal Utility Lets You Use Any Product Key With Your Windows 7 Disc
Windows 7 install discs are edition specific-unless you use Ei.cfg. If you’ve got a valid disc but the wrong edition key you can still use the disc to install the right edition for the key you have. It’s an invaluable tool when you’ve got valid discs, valid keys, but not in matching editions.
ToneCheck Stops You from Sending Passive Aggressive (or Plain Aggressive) Emails
ToneCheck is an Outlook plug-in that checks the tone and word selection of your email and warns you before you fire off an email you might regret. Although the idea is promising our testing yielded mixed results-human emotion and intention are, after all, quite difficult for a computer to analyze.
HTC Home Brings the HTC Weather Widget to Windows 7
If you’re a big fan of the HTC mobile phone interface HTC Home puts the clock and weather widget from HTC phones right on your desktop.
uTorrent 2.0 Brings Performance Updates, Bandwidth Control, UDP Support, and More
uTorrent is a wildly popular BitTorrent client, earlier this year it updated to version 2.0 and brought a host of new features including bandwidth management, UDP support, and other improvements.
Pale Moon Is a Faster Firefox Clone for Windows
If you love Firefox but you’d like it to be a little snappier, Pale Moon is a Firefox clone optimized for speed. It’s a Windows-specific build and it clocks in at 25% faster than a stock Firefox install.
Disk Space Fan Analyzes Hard Drive Space with a Dash of Eye Candy
Your hard drive is full again and you’re not sure why. Out of control temp files? Overly complete Hello Kitty collection? Disk Space Fan gives you a quick and dirty visual analysis of your hard drive usage. Once you scan a drive you can drill down quickly to see what folders and sub-folders are sucking up what disk space.
Freemake Is a Remarkably Simple, Yet Feature-Filled Video Converter and Editor
There are a lot of video conversion apps floating around. Freemake stands out thanks to a dead simple interface that guides even the greenest video converting newbie through the process without a hiccup. Whether you’re converting for your iPod, your cell phone, or burning to a DVD, Freemake has a simple workflow you can follow.
MultiBootISOs Boots Multiple Operating Systems from a USB Drive
If you’re up in the air on which OS you want to run off your thumb drive MultiBootISOs enables multi-boot support on your USB devices. You can load as many operating systems as your thumb drive can hold and select between them at boot.
Gode artikler om webshop produkt-sider
- The Top 500 Internet Retailers list
- How Top Retailers Show Product Images
- What People See Before they Buy: Design guidelines with eye tracking data
- User Expectations for the Location of Common Ecommerce Objects
- Framework for a Good Product Page
- 35 Excellent Ecommerce User Interface Designs
- How to Improve a Product Page – Interview with Bryan Eisenberg
- E-commerce SEO: Making Product Pages into Great Content
- Head to Head: Product Page Design from Top Online Retailer
Hvordan e-mail virker (MTA, MDA, MUA)!
Email, as simple as it is to use, relies on a more complicated set of operating procedures than that of the Web. For most users, its operation is transparent, which means that it is not necessary to understand how email works in order to be able to use it.
However, the short introduction below has been provided to help users understand its basic principles, give them an idea of how to best configure their email clients and inform them about the underlying mechanisms of spam.
How email works
Email is based around the use of electronic mailboxes. When an email is sent, the message is routed from server to server, all the way to the recipient’s email server. More precisely, the message is sent to the mail server tasked with transporting emails (called the MTA, for Mail Transport Agent) to the recipient’s MTA. On the Internet, MTAs communicate with one another using the protocol SMTP, and so are logically called SMTP servers (or sometimes outgoing mail servers).
The recipient’s MTA then delivers the email to the incoming mail server (called the MDA, for Mail Delivery Agent), which stores the email as it waits for the user to accept it. There are two main protocols used for retrieving email on an MDA:
- POP3 (Post Office Protocol), the older of the two, which is used for retrieving email and, in certain cases, leaving a copy of it on the server.
- IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), which is used for coordinating the status of emails (read, deleted, moved) across multiple email clients. With IMAP, a copy of every message is saved on the server, so that this synchronisation task can be completed.
For this reason, incoming mail servers are called POP servers or IMAP servers, depending on which protocol is used.
To use a real-world analogy, MTAs act as the post office (the sorting area and mail carrier, which handle message transportation), while MDAs act as mailboxes, which store messages (as much as their volume will allow) until the recipients check the box. This means that it is not necessary for recipients to be connected in order for them to be sent email.
To keep everyone from checking other users’ emails, MDA is protected by a user name called a login and by a password.
Retrieving mail is done using a software program called an MUA (Mail User Agent).
When the MUA is a program installed on the user’s system, it is called an email client (such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook, Eudora Mail, Incredimail or Lotus Notes).
When it is a web interface used for interacting with the incoming mail server, it is called webmail.
Open relay
By default, and for historical reasons, it is not necessary to authenticate oneself to send email, which means that it is very easy to falsify one’s own address when sending mail.
For this reason, nearly all Internet service providers lock down their SMTP servers to that only their subscribers can use them, or more precisely only machines whose IP address belongs to the ISP’s domain. This explains why travelling users must modify the outgoing server settings in their email clients each time they move to a new home or business.
When an organisation’s email server is improperly configured and allows third-party users on any network to send emails, this is called an open relay.
Open relays are generally used by spammers, as using them hides the true origins of their messages. As a result, many ISPs keep an up-to-date blacklist of open relays, to keep subscribers from receiving messages from such servers.
Hvor lang (eller kort) bør en hjemmeside titel være?
Read more: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-long-should-the-page-title-tag-be/9405/#ixzz13GQPB1tN
HTTP Status Codes that the Web Server can return – Definitions
HTTP Status Code – 301 Moved Permanently
The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned URIs.
Test URI: /w3c/status-codes/301
HTTP Status Code – 302 Found
The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection might be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests.
Test URI: /w3c/status-codes/302
Admin Note: 2005-03-14 – During the past several months, many discussions have been taking place in the search engine marketing communities concerning what many refer to as pagejacking. What you are about to read concerns everyone who has a website online, this is not an isolated incident. Those who are involved with the page jacking issues may not even know that they are causing harm to those they are linking to using a 302 Found redirect. Many of the 302s are generated from exit tracking scripts.
HTTP Status Code – 304 Not Modified
If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is allowed, but the document has not been modified, the server SHOULD respond with this status code. The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
HTTP Status Code – 307 Temporary Redirect
The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection MAY be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.
Test URI: /w3c/status-codes/307
HTTP Status Code – 400 Bad Request
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
HTTP Status Code – 401 Unauthorized
The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource.
HTTP Status Code – 403 Forbidden
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
HTTP Status Code – 404 Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
Test URI: /w3c/status-codes/404
HTTP Status Code – 410 Gone
The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be considered permanent. Clients with link editing capabilities SHOULD delete references to the Request-URI after user approval.
If the server does not know, or has no facility to determine, whether or not the condition is permanent, the status code 404 Not Found SHOULD be used instead. This response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise.
Test URI: /w3c/status-codes/410
HTTP Status Code – 500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
HTTP Status Code – 501 Not Implemented
The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. This is the appropriate response when the server does not recognize the request method and is not capable of supporting it for any resource.